Wednesday 11 January 2012

Question Everything

A hero to the criminal class
Although we at Instant Nowhere Korporation Ltd like to mock celebrity status and things in life that are quite ridiculous there is a reason for this. As the old bard said once upon a time 'there is a method to my madness'. Or words to that effect. We do believe in the Enlightenment ideals of reason, progress, liberty, democracy and freedom. However, we do not believe in the decaying capitalist system that has turned its back on these ideals in exchange for social power. Oligarchy is not a viable organisational method for humanity due to the abuses of power exercised by the oligarchs.

At the centre at all we do is simple: question everything. The closer you get to the core then the closer you get to the nature of reality and the truth. If you turn away from it then you are closer to your illusions. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is a slipperty slope to being completely controlled, fleeced, manipulated, badly treated and so on with no way out. Ignorance is an entire population giving up their freedoms in exchange for a faulty article of consumption.

We try to encourage thinking amongst our members and people who like what we do. We aim to put forward a valid viewpoint that is not being discussed by the general public. 

For example, why is it acceptable for the entire mainstream media to constantly promote 'celebrities' as being role models to aspire to become on a constant basis, yet never stop to listen to what people actually think about this?

Why does Prince William and his wife Kate get a front cover of a newspaper or magazine just because they attend some public event? Why is this acceptable and why is it not acceptable to raise a dissenting voice? Why is it ok to blatantly lie about how certain celebrities just happened to be discovered, when in fact they were groomed for the role for years? Look at someone like Zooey Deschanel who is portrayed as just a kooky girl next door when in fact her mother was a famous actress and her father a famous film director! There is no coincidence or 'luck' in becoming a celebrity: it is nepotistic, and you are not invited to the ball.

Are we all supposed to just be deaf-mutes moronically applauding the celebrities' every move just because we are told to?

This country is clearly falling into more and more fascistic regulations on a daily basis and what is sickening is that no one even notices. Even if they do notice, they are either censored or ignored. What we have is not discourse, it is monologue from the ruling class. Whatever they want to broadcast is broadcast, everyone else must be silent. The moral of the story: you have no voice of your own.

We aim to entertain as well as enlighten people; amuse and intrigue; question and poke fun. We do not believe in harming another person without just cause, and we know that words are just words as stated before.

Anyway, we just want to say thank you to everyone who looks at our work and to writers who have faced censorship and castigation in the past like DH Lawrence, Henry Miller, William Burroughs and many more. We will continue to kick against the pricks regardless what happens. Peace out.

By Senator McCarthy

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