Tuesday 31 January 2012

Everyday Free World Photographs 5: CCTV

The future is 'reality' CCTV Stars
For the safety and security of all subjects of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II, Closed Circuit Television is installed in nearly every public place in our fair isle. According to latest estimates there are 1.85 million cameras in Britain, which amounts to just 1 for every 32 people.  Most CCTV cameras in Albion are likely to be privately owned, which is particularly comforting for the private section who can make money from the police and other customers by selling the video footage that has been captured.

Despite the proliferation of the mechanical eyes located seemingly everywhere, police admit that just one crime is solved for every 1,000 cameras. Not too high a statistic, but surely the millions spent on these great audio-visual recording devices was not in vain?

In the late 1990s when the wonderful ‘reality’ TV show, Big Brother was broadcast, the population got its first taste of what it is like to be filmed in their own homes on a constant basis. Think back to how exciting it was to witness a complete nobody sleeping in their Big Brother bed, live, for hours! It was truly dreamy and something one never forgets, like their first kiss, their first car, their wedding and the first time they told a lie.

As series after series of Big Brother was shown on our TV screens , the more accustomed we all have become to being endlessly filmed and displayed to whoever had the stamina and lack of IQ to watch. 

With the increase in CCTV cameras throughout the land, this same viewing public could soon begin to watch the general public walk the streets minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Perhaps it could even take over the amount of viewers watching prime time TV and a YouTube clip about something really amazing, like the latest celebrity female in a bikini, or the latest celebrity male in grubby pants. Perhaps Davina McCall can take a break from admiring herself for one minute and spend some time narrating what is being witnessed from all of this CCTV cameras? Perhaps we could even witness a bored husband standing outside clothes shops whilst his glamour-obsessed wife tries on dress after dress inside?

It is all too much to take some time.

Such a beautiful vision of the future of the country would be to have millions of CCTV cameras installed literally everywhere.  With the ever-shrinking size of CCTV cameras, perhaps one day we could have cameras installed on our private parts and we call all witness the exact moment conception of our child took place? The possibilities are truly endless and awe-inspiring.

With the invention of the television we have seen a slow descent into the output of the most creative and intelligent minds in the universe. From Coronation Street to EastEnders, from The Biggest Loser to Hole in the Wall, from Come Dine With Me to Location, Location, Location, we are truly blessed with the pinnacle of viewing evolution. The heights of the consciousness are channelled like a foaming tide blasting through a crack in a dam.

We must never forget the absolute genius unleashed on our screens and realise that one day soon we could make the most positive leap of evolution: forget our TV sets and watch our CCTV sets. For you too could watch ‘reality’ TV filmed anywhere in the world.

Wouldn’t that be truly amazing?

By Penelope Itchy

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