Tuesday 24 January 2012

Just fuck off part 2: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Two vacant Muppet's

Here we have another example of two vacant Muppet's brain spanked into a world of twat by the satanic mind controlled ramblings of Scientology.

'Tom Cruise' and 'Katie Holmes' are two of Scientology's biggest fans, which to be honest is of no surprise when you think about it as the both of them collectively have the intellect of a damp flannel coupled with all the charismatic appeal of a rather large dead and decaying dog.

'Tom Cruise' has an acting style that has never really evolved past that of a grinning simpleton, and as for his plastic mannequin of a wife I really have no idea what she actually does for a living other than looking incredibly tall standing next to her microscopic husband.

It is good to know that while the world balances on the brink of financial collapse, Hollywood celebrities like 'Tom Cruise' and 'Katie Holmes' can swan around at red carpet banquet events and indulge in lavish extravagance fit for a King, while at the same time children starve to death in third world countries crushed into economic nothingness by the very countries that allows celebrities like 'Tom Cruise' and 'Katie Holmes' to live their rich hideous lives.

Hollywood likes to celebrate all that is mindless, sterile, and banal so it really is of no surprise to see the films of 'Tom Cruise' doing so well in the Cinema as the mental age of the person stupid enough to want to pay to watch a 'Tom Cruise' movie must be far too low to calculate.

All of the 'Mission Implausible' films are utter garbage, and how 'Top Gun' ever did well enough to screech off the tarmac and launch the career of 'Tom Cruise' only the Illuminated members of Hollywood really know the answer.

What is clear is that individuals like 'Tom Cruise' and 'Katie Holmes', have zero talent and absolutely nothing to like about them. They spout their scientological nonsense to anyone thick enough to listen to it, when Scientology itself is just the satanic ramblings of it's founder 'L. Ron Hubbard', or 'Frater H' to give him his satanic name.

To put it quite simply 'Tom Cruise' and 'Katie Holmes' just need to fuck off and in the process help the environment by lowering their carbon footprint and disappearing up their own arses.

                                                                                                              By Roland Barnacle

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