Friday 27 January 2012

What are you made of?

What are we made of?

Are we just a physical being consisting of skin, bones, flesh, internal organs, blood, and a brain.

Or are we something more than this, something that out lives it's host, out lives it's shell for however long the body may exist in it's physical form.

The skeleton in the picture clearly has what looks like a bullet wound to the skull. A violent act has cut short the life of this individual by a person/or persons that do not understand the value of our physical time on this earth, or indeed the far bigger picture from a universal level.

We fear actions committed by individuals blinded by lies far greater than the one that we as a race are told are nothing more than a 'Cosmic accident', and a 'Mistake of universal enormity'. People like the left brain thinking piece of shit 'Richard Dawkins' want us to believe that this reality, this 'Nuts and bolts' reality is all there is. This theory keeps our minds firmly grounded in the 'Now'. When this happens mankind's growth is stunted forcing our values to become nothing more than a 'Physical superficiality mindset'.

Just take a look around at this superficial mindset in action more, and more everyday. It is all around us like a plastic wall of fakery and pointless indulgence.

We are misguided in so many ways in life by the very illuminated people who know the true nature of our being.

When mankind finally learns the truth about who we really are, it will immediately bring down the veil of lies exposing the colossal extent of corruption, deceit, and lies that have kept mankind as nothing less than mind slaves for centuries.

This is not about any specific Religion.

It is about having a universal open minded faith in all of humanity with absolutely no inclusion of any Religious overtones at all.

Pure open minded faith in each other.

Faith in your friends.

Faith in your family.

Faith in yourself.

So what are you made of?

By Arnie Canoe

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