Thursday 26 January 2012

Wacky Ideas 2: Fluoridation of Water

With fluoride and Coca Cola you can have teeth like this
One of the wackiest ideas in the 20th and 21st century is the mass fluoridation of the drinking water supply. Originally introduced by the Nazis during the second World War in order to make their concentration and extermination camp prisoners docile, and hence unwilling to try to escape, this seriously oddball idea was introduced into the US at the end of the Second World War. The reasoning behind the madness was that it would cut down on the amount of tooth decay in children by strengthening the enamel in growing teeth.

You see the government really cares about its citizens and just wants us all to have healthy teeth. It's so plausible, coming as it does, from governments that created Malthusian organisations designed to depopulate the mass of humanity over decades.

The wackiness of the idea is bolstered by the fact that two thirds of the US public drinking water is fluoridated, and many other countries across the planet are either already following the same path or wish to do so.

Chris Bryson and Joel Griffiths uncovered the fact that fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production according to declassified documents concerning the Manhattan Project. Massive quantities of fluoride were absolutely essential in order to manufacture atomic bomb grade uranium and plutonium throughout the Cold War. Fluoride became the leading chemical health hazard from this project, even more so then the radiation waste.

Luckily though, the American government had spokesmen at hand to spin the lie that fluoride is safe for all of society. These spokespersons were the very scientists who needed government funding to carry out further Atomic bomb testing. How odd that they would parrot the official line that fluoride was not only safe, but perfectly acceptable to be put in the drinking water and toothpaste for the population to come into contact with on a daily basis. Such consideration they showed their people is staggering. We are truly blessed to have such saintly rulers.

When we look at the results from the 1948 study codenamed 'Program F' these totally sane and kindly scientists decided to bury the unsavoury findings. For the health effects from fluoride were not so kind. But because fluoride is a critical industrial chemical it's best to keep its adverse effects under the radar of the average nobody.

An April 29, 1944 Manhattan Project memo addressed to the head of the Manhattan Project's Medical Section, Colonel Stafford Warren, reports: "Clinical evidence suggests that uranium hexafluoride may have a rather marked central nervous system effect.... It seems most likely that the F [code for fluoride] component rather than the T [code for uranium] is the causative factor."

Some believe fluoridation has links to cancer, Down’s syndrome, infant mortality and bone damage.Up to half of those drinking fluoridated water also suffer ‘dental fluorosis’ – a mottling of the teeth thought to be caused by its effects.

The substance referred to as Fluoride, is either, the highly toxic S6 Poisonous (Fluorosilic Acid [H2SiF6] aluminium smelter waste or DiSodium Hexafluorosilicate [Na2SiF6.] phosphate fertiliser waste which contains Radium. wastes from filtration systems at phosphate fertilizer facilities are among the most radioactive types of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) wastes. They are among the most dangerous compounds of chemicals known to mankind, added as a medication without full understanding or consent. These toxic products kill everything – People, Animals, Wildlife and the Environment

"The prolonged ingestion of fluoride may cause significant damage to health and particularly to the nervous system," concludes a review of studies by researchers Valdez-Jimenez, et al. published in Neurologia (June 2011)

"Fluoride can be toxic by ingesting one part per million (ppm), and the effects are not immediate, as they can take 20 years or more to become evident," they write.

That is why such a wacky idea as putting this deadly chemical in the water supply kills several birds with one stone:

1. Gets rid of an unwanted industrial waste product on a mass scale without having to pay for correct disposal.
2. Destroys the resistance of the population making them more docile and pliable.
3. Depopulates the masses who come in contact with the poison over a long period of time.
4. Makes the nation's teeth nice and shiny for photographs of people who believe in the American dream.

So all in all it is the greatest possible idea that could be thought up in the last century and hopefully will become even more widespread across the planet in the 21st Century. Who knows it could be used in Coca-Cola next and then we could have the added luxury of aspartame, diabetes, teeth decay and fluoride all in one poisonous 'drink'. Can you wait for it?

 By King Leopold IV

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