Monday 30 January 2012

Walking Labia Part 1: Donatella Versace

Ronald McDonald's golem love child

Here we have our first free example of a monthly segment from within the bowels of the INK Ltd produced magazine entitled 'Twat'.

The monthly segment is called 'Walking Labia', and is part of the 'Baron Frankenstein school of plastic surgery' writings which mock, ridicule, and laugh at the ludicrous plasticated fuck up's that trudge along the red bloodline carpets looking like possibly the most realistic zombie movie ever made.

Millions of dollars are spent every year by some of the most vacant, self obsessed, mindless automatons ever to walk the earth in a vein attempt to stay young, youthful, and fresh like a recently opened flower.

Instead what they are left with is something that looks like it has recently been exhumed from a grave full of plague ridden corpses, with about as much similarity to a freshly opened flower as the recently discovered corpse of a disemboweled road kill.

Why anybody would want to put themselves through this kind of genetic experimentation is beyond the comprehension of any normal, straight thinking human being.

It would not surprise me if extra appendages start to become grafted onto the bodies of these morons in the not to distant future. You could end end up having the cream of Hollywood walking around with cocks grafted onto their elbows for a more flowing and permanent accessory, or a spare arm hanging from the base of their spinal attachment to look like a tail, thus creating more of a slinky feel to the body. 

Regardless of the potential limits of taste that plastic surgery seems to surpass daily, the fact remains that some of the most hideous creatures to be seen on earth can be found in Hollywood, yet they are looked upon by the media like they are truly beautiful sentient beings, and pictures of bodily perfection.

This is why the creative team at INK Ltd has decided to include this segment 'Walking Labia part 1' for free to our viewers.

All of our publications will be available by subscription via our website at 

By Roland Barnacle


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