Saturday 19 May 2012

Thoughts on Depopulation

Depopulation the Easy Way

There is a lot spoken about in certain circles concerning the ruling elite's distasteful genocidal policy against the poor of the world. One of the rumours circulating is that there are just too many people now on planet Earth. In true Malthusian style, the rulers of the world proliferate the lie that the population of the planet will expand exponentially and hence outstrip resources, leaving an unstable world of war over food.

The Malthusians have always been wrong but their theory is always entertained by the decadent ruling class for several reasons, the main one being that the rulers are scared of a huge, uncontrollable populace running riot and taking back what is theirs. It is this fear that causes the ruling elite to take aim at the lower orders with their arsenal of weaponry and propaganda; anything to distract, divide and dissolve their threat.

By culling the population down to a manageable 500 million people will apparently allow complete control...

Well, the Black Death of 1348-49 did a similar thing: it destroyed a third of the population of Europe. However, rather than creating a malleable gaggle of peasants it served to increase the wages of the poor, because the demand for labourers outstripped supply. This is the paradox of the truly rich rulers of the world: if they do succeed and wipe out 60% of the population, the labour supply will decrease substantially and cause demand to outstrip supply. When this happens the power will shift from the obese overlords to the working class, who will be eager to impose their will upon their oppressors.

We are living in similar times to the middle ages when so many people are starving to death, whilst others live in luxury. In the past the almoner would give alms to the poor. Now the almoner would be the charity organisations trying to feed the hungry.

In the past, it would be religion forced upon the masses in order to divert their attentions from fighting against their oppressors. Now it is the mass media and entertainment system that does the job. Mainstream science has become a dogma that cannot be questioned. Mainstream scientists have become the friars, the priests, and the bishops of their own religion. Outsiders are not allowed to challenge the faith. Dissenters are not burnt at the stake, but they are laughed at as kooks. Look at the treatment meted out to Nicola Tesla or the disgraceful castration against Alan Turing. The lord God is Capital. It is this unreal entity that makes the men of science weak at the knees. Anything to further the reign of Capital.

Intellectual prostitution has existed throughout the ages, and whilst the enlightened discussed what those with the wealth wanted them to discuss, the unenlightened masses were victimised if they were too weak to fight back against the state.

The current Tory parliament would masturbate with glee if they had a chance at resurrecting the law of 1536 in England. Vagabonds were whipped for their first offence of vagrancy. For a second offence of vagrancy they had part of their right ear cut off . For a third and final offence they were hanged. A decade later this savage and barbaric law was changed. Instead, anyone who roamed or loitered for three days without a job had to work for any employer for any wages he was willing to pay. If nobody would employ him then he must offer to work just for food and drink. If he did not do this then anyone could take him to the Justice of the Peace (local magistrate). The vagabond was then made that person's slave for 2 years. If he ran away during that time he was branded and made a slave for life. Ah, Mr Hague I can hear you salivating at the thought of bringing back such barbaric laws!

You despise the poor, yet the majorityof the population are poor. So you despise the majority of your own species. How enlightened! What is your end goal Mr Hague, Mr Cameron, Mr Rothschild, Mr Rockefeller, HRH Elizabeth II? Self-preservation at everyone else's expense? A self-indulgence most disgusting.

Do you really want to destroy the majority of the population just so you can have total control over your own kind? Why is absolute dictatorship a goal in itself when it can never bring progress? Only freedom of expression and freedom from limitation can bring about any form of enlightenment or progress for humanity.

By Raygun

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