Wednesday 28 December 2011

Urban Dictionary: Celebrianity

The newly founded religion based upon worship of celebrities. This has become a growing trend in recent years, but its roots can be traced back to antiquity through the worship of famous personages such as Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and up to modern times with superstars such as Madonna, Lady Gaga and David Hasslehoff. Historical scholars began documenting and worshipping celebrianity through their books written about famous figures such as Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler. What once was a small portion of humanity worshipping notable persons as their gods, has now become close to a majority of the population in the First World.

Media sources such as newspapers, online news and celebrity hungry magazines have become the fluid bible for the true believers. Just like any other religion there is a large diversity of beliefs between one another. Although there are core beliefs, some believers worship all celebrities as one, some only worship their favourite celebrities, others define a celebrity as a person who has reached class A status, while some worship all celebrities regardless of their class status (even so-called Z-listers). Many sects and cults have sprung up after fracturing from the original celebrianity to worship under their own rules.

It is also known that some believers live their entire lives in the same manner as their favourite celebrity, even identifying themselves completely as that celebrity. Some believers even become celebrities in their own right, which can cause a schism and a real test of their faith.

Example: Gillian Templeton is a staunch believer in the faith of celebrianity. She reads all celebrity magazines on a daily basis, has communion with fellow believers, and spreads the word of her celebrianity to infidels.

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