Wednesday 28 December 2011

This Vile Ennui

The earth resounds around the subtle orb of life
Out of the formless void shudders malnourished spirit
Ancient times had real technology
What is kept from our sight today is tomorrow's manna
To whip up a storm from afar
To control a desert and abyss
To place all non-competitive bloodlines within
To pauperise millions through monetary scams
To bring down great depressions on the heads of those who do not count
To clothe nature itself in symbolic godheads
To divest humanity of it's true essence
The RFID chip
The telomerase twitterings
Younger and more splendid the idle slob rich

These are the secret longings of our secret elite
You can trust the amorphous masses to trust in their keepers
Their spiritual overlords
To keep them tame
With images moving or still
With words as cages
With news as lies
With lies as news
Oh what a carve up of the stage upon which we pray
Together but apart
The muslims the christians the buddhists the sikhs
The jainists the gentiles the jews the whores
The gnostics the etruscans the mithrans the modern day scythians
The infected the infested the brain damaged the manipulated
Those who believe in paper over gold
Those who sing songs for the person who pays for the tune
Those who have long since realised what is the illusion
And what is the real
For You Tube and the anti-intellect
For feelings that have vanished and the dross that has taken their place
For bridges that were built lying broken and torn
For centuries of rewriting the historical morass
For plunging and purging of morals and life
For making hate universal wrapped up in love
For modern day stars for modern day rock
Artifacts since rediscovered
Nazca and Machu Pichu
Giza and Ark of the Covenant
Delirious science discarded and lost

This is the cross roads where we lose our minds
To the small time madness of petty crooks and their kind

So bow down and starve
Shit children
Selling your sanctuary for crippled visions
The Alpha and Omega
Both end up the same
Neither is true
They are both the same
The game is more amusing the further removed
And strutting your stuff is shambolic and vain


By Raygun

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