Tuesday 27 December 2011

It is about you

We've made this blog in a rather unusual way: we have posted first without introducing ourselves. Is this a good thing? Not sure. But it does kind of reflect our attitude: we like to put other people first and ourselves last. We prefer to see people thrive rather than profit. Our general ethos is to help foster a creative culture and allow a freedom of expression in a world that is becoming narrower and narrower in its ability to allow others to have their own freedom.

The concept behind Instant Nowhere Korporation Ltd is tongue-in-cheek: firstly we are not a corporation, but a korporation. It is a subtle difference but one that is vastly important. Just as the largest explosion comes from the smallest particle of matter, this is an apt analogy for our plans. What would happen if a corporation put people first, rather than profit? What would happen if a corporation evenly distributed wealth and resources throughout the world? These are the types of questions that we consider on a daily basis.

Most companies would be thinking about their bottom-line and their year on year profits, their revenue, income generation and other rather boring business ratios that could turn a human being into a vat of nausea. The majority of rules to running a 'business' is common-sense. Yet so many top echelon characters seem to code it with a religious awe: bow down to the growth equilibrium model! Oh, yes of course Mr Business Priest...

Life is more than just corporate newspeak. That is one of the main reasons we decided to set Instant Nowhere Korporation Ltd up in the first place.

An old electricity warehouse in Suffolk, Britain, was the first of our attempts to make creative spaces for anyone to use for pretty much any activity. From this we have had numerous artists, hobbyists, musicians and people from all walks of life utilising our services. They are given room to get on with creating their masterpieces. Our rates are at least 20% lower than the surrounding businesses because it is more satisfying to us to see people have the space to create than for them to have to give up.

We have had people arrive who used to make models in a freezing cold building for double our hourly rate. No care had been given to them by the landlord who decided it was quite alright to have a toilet handle attached by a piece of rotten string. Heating was an extravagance he did not wish to pay for. Tales much worse than this came to our attention and has made us more determined to assist the community.

Although our cultural influences and creative expressions are outside of the mainstream in so many cases, we understand the importance that creativity brings to people's lives. Even if the artist in question is creating what we would consider as very bland artwork, we give them equal standing with an artist we are totally blown away by. There can be no division because the saying: an attack on one, is an attack on all, is very true.

We exist in two capacities essentially:

1. Our room, storage and facility business: this is our community based project aiming to give people from all ages and all walks of life a decent place to come to in order to create

2. On line, providing our own artwork, music, literature, poetry, prose, comic strips and other creative works, as well as helping to promote other artists, musicians, poets, writers and other creative individuals

Although as of this writing our website is under construction, it will be completed in January 2012, and you will be able to see more of our creative Instant Nowhere Kulture.

We hope that you enjoy this and feel free to comment whenever you wish.

Instant Nowhere Korporation Ltd

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