Friday 6 January 2012

The many faces of 'Victoria Beckham': Face 1

Cellular Loneliness

This image of 'Victoria Beckham' is one of many that clearly shows the huge array of  diverse, creative, and stylish poses that she possesses in her amazing modelling repertoire.

The above picture in particular was carefully squeezed out of 'Victoria's' plasticated, skeletal jowls using a mix of  Scientology's satanic ramblings, and dumb nausea syndrome tablets.

A huge selection of 'Victoria's' pictures were sifted through by a crack team of moronic cabbages in order to select the above image to start off this new blog segment.

And so it is with great satisfaction that 'Victoria's' team of moronic cabbages are able to bring you this image of 'Victoria', the first of what will be many more in the future.

                                                                                                            By Roland Barnacle    

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