Thursday 5 January 2012

An ode against censorship...

Time for a brief interlude away from the satirical world of Raygun and Roland Barnacle...

Put some of The Harridans music on the jukebox and jump about a lot.

The human body and mind are interesting things, capable of achieving a lot of good and unfortunately a lot of evil. One thing we cannot tolerate though is censorship. Even if we do not agree with what someone has said about us we still must be strong enough to accept that other people have different views to us, and sometimes these views are extreme. However, we must always remember that words are merely words, a prison of thought, or as Burroughs would call them 'a word virus'. They are not action. They do not bomb innocent civilians from afar. They do not shred human beings into tiny ribbons. They do not torture, maim or eviscerate the masses. They are just words. The intent is to be humourous and not to be taken literally as our viewpoint.

Nothing on the Instant Nowhere Korporation website or anything on the web is necessarily our opinion. However, we respect other people to have the right to express themselves as they so wish. Art, literature, music, poetry, prose, video and all forms of multi-media must be allowed to breath, to be vicious, sinister, sarcastic, sneering, preening, exciting, boring, dull, intelligent, stupid, in order for people to create art that is vital and alive. If I do not like something, then I do not look at it, I do not listen to it, I discard it. But if something interests me then I want to see it, hear it, listen to it, smell it, touch it and taste it. Why should we be deprived of this? Why should we deny ourselves of the treat of the senses? Why should we stop pushing the limits of experience, of knowledge, of emotion, of creativity, just because what we say might be interpreted by someone as offensive to their sensibilities?

We shouldn't.

The idea is to liberate ourselves from our shackles of every day life. The idea behind most of the things posted by people of the collective here is that they are satirical, ironic, biting, sarcastic but at the core they are just a joke. Something to make people laugh. This is especially true right now when the world is facing a decade of economic disaster, misery, unemployment, starvation and war. If we cannot laugh at the madness of the world then I fear we shall all go mad and lose our way. If we cannot communicate without censorship then what form will the anger and frustration of the people take?

So take everything with a pinch of salt. We do not set out to offend, we set out to give carthasis, enlightenment, a different view of the world than perhaps you started with.

That said here is the lyric to a song by The Harridans called 'Remember Me':

remember me, i used to be on your tv
a long time ago, but my career hit a deaf ear
and no one remembers me now
a celebrity falling apart
a careful stance of a boring fart
remember me, remember me please
remember me, i guess i was once a celebrity
on tv, i may have sold a million beer cans
now i'm falling apart at the seams
people never notice when your life is like a dream

remember me, remember me
collagen lip surgery
remember me, the trout pout
remember me, a face and a snout
remember me

on my autobiography number 3!
killed in the charts, i know its at 4003
why don't people wanna read about my life anymore?
maybe it's because they've overdosed on this corporate bore. oh

Peace out


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