Thursday 5 January 2012

Only a handful of people exist 3: David Cameron

Culling time is here for all of you mindless idiots

Following the logic of his own party's eugenics views, David Cameron should not be in existence, let alone leading the party composed of sick philistines opposed to 'useless eaters'. It is a well known fact that his father, Ian, was born with both legs deformed and underwent repeated operations to
correct them. Those in love with Malthus, social Darwinism and eugenics, would have sterilised Cameron Snr for the good of society. My goodness, what irony!

One such occurrence could jeopardise the career of a less well connected prime minister but then came his first child, Ivan Reginald Ian, born with a rare combination of cerebral palsy and a form of severe epilepsy called Ohtahara syndrome. It seemed like Cameron's attempts to rule the British masses would be elusive...

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