Wednesday 4 January 2012

Reptilian update: Part 1

The Saxe-Coburg Gotha dynasty

So here we are 2012, and a multi-million pound Diamond jubilee beckons amidst a manufactured recession within our fake economy in which the good old tax payer has to tighten their belts once again, along with footing the bill for not only the 2012 'Illuminated' Olympic games, but also the grotesque show of hereditary inbreds, and cold hearted monstrosities 'The Royal Familys' Diamond jubilee celebrations.

The Saxe-Coburg Gotha Germanic dynasty, once again feeds like a parasite off the back of all that fall below them in their rankings.

And for those of you who do not know what rank you are in the eyes of the Monarchy it can be summed up in one word: PEASANT.

Yes that's right regardless of what class background you are from this is what you are in the eyes of the Monarchy. It does not matter if you are a self-made millionaire, Doctor, Teacher, Refuse collector, Cleaner, or any other profession spanning the entire class are still in the eyes of the Monarchy a PEASANT. 

But guess what? I would rather be a PEASANT than a cold blooded bunch of sinister reptiles any day...what about you?

                                                                                                                By Hector the mute  

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