Tuesday 3 January 2012

Mindless automatons

Golems 2
The Golems are starting to appear everywhere throughout society. Only this morning did I notice two Golems trying to kick start a bin..I tried to explain to the two Golems that the bin was not in fact a Motorbike but actually a bin for putting rubbish into, but after a few brief grunts, copious dribbling, and more arse flatulence than a gassed out Horse I realised my efforts were pointless.

The more dumbed down we allow ourselves to become by watching banal, excruciatingly moronic T.V. programmes, and by believing the lies spewed out from anal politicians and the vile media, the closer we move towards becoming mindless automatons...just like the Golems!!

                                                                                                                     By Arnie Canoe

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