Monday 2 January 2012

Instant Nowhere Kulture Dictionary: SMombie

Prounced 'smombee', this term describes a person who spends all of his/her time using social media websites on the internet. Sufferers of this syndrome are usually zombie-like in appearance, and can either have a smart phone in hand, engrossed in constantly reading and updating their blog / sharing site / twitter etc or they are hunched over their PC / laptop / mac etc doing the same.

It can become a form of addiction more challenging to quit than heroin, cocaine or even PCP drug addiction.

Sufferers can be recognised through 'twitter' fingers, which constantly need to be typing, as well as many other symptoms such as 'squinteye', 'slashspeak', 'commentrage', 'overpoke' and  'facewatching'.

Example: 'Terry toweling became a SMombie after spending several days in bed due to an all-over body rash, and just his smart phone for company.'

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