Sunday 24 June 2012

Tom Waits Black Rider - Best Album?

The Black Rider is an album of Tom Waits that contains the songs Tom Waits penned and performed for the stage play musical of the same title which was directed by Robert Wilson and written by William Burroughs.

The songs in this album strike a resemblance to the modified cabaret/blues of Waits in the mid 80s but with a more defined European art song touch. Consequently, Waits is joined by a good selection of his US cronies (Joe Gore, Greg Cohen etc) and the people involved in the original Black Rider stage musical. With William Burroughs as a lyricist in some of the songs, it goes without saying that the album is complete in terms of representation as the undeniable influence of the 50s beat writers on Waits' previous songs. Black Rider is rather intellectual than emotional when compared to the previous compilations of Waits and oozes with innovative and creative musical arrangements.

This album was recorded at Prairie Sun Recording Studios, Cotati, California and Music factory, Hamburg, Germany and carries liner notes of Tom Waits himself.

To say that Waits is a musical genius would be an understatement. He is a complete representation of a man who supplies songs that resonate with semi-mythological narrative of passion and death.

If you have not heard this album yet you need to stop everything and download it right now. If you're a fan of Tom Waits you need to listen to this album next because it will change you life. So good!

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